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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sharing a Belief

Christians should recognize other people who belong to the new covenant family. We are different from normal people. The Bible says: Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. Col 3:10 (NLT). This complete change in a person places them in opposition to this world. The nature of a worldly person will always resist the righteousness of God.
Jesus spoke about people who serve God one time when His human family had asked for Him. He said: Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother!” Matt 12:50 (NLT). Our Savior had been sent to earth on a mission. He had been commissioned to build a righteous family for God. Jesus loved His earthly family but His task was to bring people together as brothers and sisters of the new covenant.

Believers under the old covenant could not be a brother or sister of Jesus. Today the servants of God under the new covenant have the privilege of joining the family of God. Paul explained God’s plan when he said: … his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Romans 8:29 (NLT). When we accept Jesus as our life we are accepting the past 2000 years of God’s servants as our own brothers and sisters. 

Today we must seek out other brothers and sisters in order to build a family relationship with them. It is natural for saved people to love other family members. The Bible says: If we love our Christian brothers and sisters, it proves that we have passed from death to life. But a person who has no love is still dead. 1 John 3:14 (NLT). Usually we can recognize them immediately because our spirits are joined together in Christ. 

The Spirit of Jesus unites us so that we can do the works of God on Earth. Christians are separate from the natural people of this world. It is necessary for us to support each other in our righteous living. Looking out for the poor and the weak is an important duty. Usually we are the answer to their prayer when we help them.  This is bringing glory to the Father and the Son when the Spirit guides our life in righteousness. 

Sharing a belief in God is a beautiful thing. We can encourage the family: Then Judas and Silas, both being prophets, spoke at length to the believers, encouraging and strengthening their faith. They stayed for a while, and then the believers sent them back to the church in Jerusalem with a blessing of peace. Acts 15:32-33. The result of godly encouragement is the growth of peace among the family members. Let it be so!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

God Loves Us

There has never been an agreement that gave more love to the beneficiary than the New Covenant. A born-again believer receives hundreds of gifts here on earth and inexplicable gifts in eternity. The resources of God are unfathomable and they have been made available to the redeemed person through Jesus Christ. This is the truth of God’s spiritual world and it only requires our trust and dedication. 

When Jesus comes to live in our heart it means that our spirit is joined with His. This is the way we become a part of God’s family. Our whole new family revolves around His pure love. The Bible says our roots will grow down into the love of God. This will give us great spiritual strength because of the Spirit that is living inside of us. People are not really complete in their fallen condition. Entering into the love of God is the basis for the completion of our soul. 

The love of God was put on display when Jesus gave Himself to be killed on the cross. We can join in the Savior’s death and be allowed the opportunity of being a part of God’s love for eternity. In this world we can become a vessel that is filled with holy love so that the Spirit is able to direct us in a loving life. When we are used to lead another person to God it will be our privilege to see that soul enjoy heaven forever. 

People usually feel as though they are not good enough to live this privileged life of love. This is because our original condition in life is certainly unworthy. However the power contained in this new covenant of love is infinite and will change our life. During the last 2000 years redeemed people have tried to see how far they could push their faith. None of these great saints ever recorded that they had reached the end of God’s power or ability. 

Everything that happens in our redeemed life is for the glory of God. If we want to respect the new covenant we should work hard to carry out all of God’s plans. John said that if we don’t love others it proves that we are not a Christian. This is completely logical when we understand how that God’s love for us is the basis for the whole new covenant. May we spend our life glorifying the Lord and enjoying His love!