Today the church needs young people that are
committed to the mystery of God. Every generation must have some fresh blood or
Christianity cannot survive. Paul was talking to young Timothy about church
leaders when he said this: They must be
committed to the mystery of the faith now revealed… 1 Timothy 3:9 (NLT).
God has blessed the world with a precious mystery that was unknown for
thousands of years. We are told that even the angels desire to know about this
wonderful new life yet most people couldn’t care less.
This great mystery can
only be understood by people of faith. However the Bible does tell us: Without question, this is the great
mystery of our faith: Christ was revealed in a human body
and vindicated by the Spirit… 1 Timothy 3:16. The fact that Christ did walk the land of Israel as
a human is accepted by most people. However the second part that says the
Spirit proved Jesus was the only righteous son of God is harder for them to
believe. If they admit that God’s perfect son was here then they should be
listening to him.
The wonder of our mystery,
of course, is a new life that will last forever. But without people that are
committed to spreading the gospel how will the Christian life continue? Thankfully
we have the strength of the Spirit that Jesus sent down from Heaven to live
inside of us. We read: Now
all glory to God, who is able to make you strong, just as my Good News says.
This message about Jesus Christ has revealed his plan for you Gentiles, a plan
kept secret from the beginning of time. Romans
16:25. Jesus is the
mystery revealed to us.
Most people want to go to
Heaven but they do not want to humbly follow our Master. Many clever men have
devised their own way to Heaven. Some of them want to lead some poor deluded
crowd of people that they can control. There is NOT a choice of different ways
to arrive in Heaven. Only one man gave his life and his powerful Spirit that can
provide the way to Heaven some day. We must teach this one way to people and
encourage them to follow His Spirit. It is our only hope for an eternity with
A Christian is many times
ridiculed for his belief in Jesus. But we do not give up because we will be
rewarded for our commitment some day in Heaven. Paul also told young Timothy
to: Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his
approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who
correctly explains the word of truth. 2
Timothy 2:15 . We have many people explaining the
Bible today but they need to understand how important it is to do it correctly.
Too many people are receiving bad information.
Commitment is certainly what we need today but it
must be directed by the Spirit. There is no way that a human can properly give
instructions about a spiritual world that he cannot even see. Jesus made us
this promise just before he left earth: “But I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit
of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me. John
15:26 (NLT). Our Savior never does anything without it having great
meaning. He sent the Spirit to live in us because it is the only way to properly
represent His mystery on earth.