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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Leper and the Lamb (Lepers of Sin - Part 1)

In the next several posts, I will be addressing topic of sin as compared to a leper and I pray that these words will penetrate your soul and the Spirit will enlighten you to a new perspective.


There seems to be no practical need for God in this ultra-modern civilization as people struggle to control each tiny part of life. Humanity has devised plans to meet every problem that arises including savings, insurance, government programs and a campaign to utilize the church for man's goals. Large churches have become so well organized that they accomplish great deeds without God's help and it seems that people who trust in God alone, are becoming fewer every day. The mega church of today has a large membership roll but many "believers" attend for a business purpose or for entertainment. In times of emergency, there is a call for God's help but He is actually a stranger to many church people. Americans have a formality that includes God when a loved one is buried or when people feel that God should be called upon at the beginning of some special occasion. This is a sad state of affairs.

The truth is that we are all sinners who need God desperately. Society's hard work and great accomplishments only complicate the fact of our need for salvation. This situation is critical because the "good times" are directing our attention away from God. The information we need to live in heaven forever is available like no other time in history. Unfortunately, this contemporary society cannot see itself as a sinner and has no real desire for the Savior. Knowing we have a problem, let us consider the pitiful leper and examine the old laws for his cleansing. The value of this ceremony is applicable today because the Creator considers us "Lepers of Sin." The Lord will only cleanse and heal us when we realize our need and seek Him.

Most people know leprosy is an infectious disease that has been around since history began. They may not know that there are close to one million people in the world today with leprosy and another million and a half who are cured of the disease. Although they are well, some of the lepers are permanently disabled.

The disease is caused by a bacteria that deteriorates the human body. Children are the most susceptible and they must receive treatment quickly because the disease is progressive and can cause a disability. Because man is a "leper of sin", we must heed the warning of leprosy about our children. Our children may not be receiving the treatment they need to halt the sin disease that will destroy their soul.

We must train our children in the ways of God. This dangerous bacteria also thickens the nerves so that pain cannot be felt and is responsible for many accidents which result in physical deformity. People are are falling into Hell today because they do not feel the pain of sin and are not paying attention to their sickness.

The Cajuns in southwest Louisiana have a long history with leprosy although South America has the most cases, probably because the disease thrives in a tropical climate. Although we understand many things about the leper, there is still a fear of this sickness. Not only does the disease kill people but also it makes them outcast.

In Biblical days, leprosy was considered unclean and immoral because other diseases, including syphilis, were also called leprosy. The people of old knew how syphilis was spread and because it was contracted through immoral activities they concluded that immorality caused death. The Church in this country used to teach that immorality would kill but today we hardly ever warn people because it is offensive. People were occasionally healed of leprosy but because of their disfigurement, it was thought that only a miracle from God could restore them to a whole person. When we know how dangerous our sin is, there should be some urgency to seeking help and reaching out to others.

In the future, God will have a judgment day and every person who does not follow Jesus will be an outcast from heaven just like the leper is an outcast from our society. God has given us the remedy in the Scriptures but the fatal outcome of our sin problem has not been widely acknowledged. Jesus can heal the body or save the soul with equal ease. Now is certainly not the time to ignore the cure for our sin because, in addition to the occurrence of our normal death at any time, we may fail to participate in the sudden return of Jesus Christ to remove all Christians from the earth. We all have similarities with leprosy and our solution must be to seek God for restoration from the damage done to us by sin. Our disease of sin will kill us in eternity unless the Savior restores our health.

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