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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Megiddo and the Great Road

Everyone visiting Israel seems to know that Megiddo is the location of the great battle of Armageddon. This huge battle will soon determine whether Israel will survive or be wiped from the face of the Earth. However, to the many people who traveled through the history of this land, this was the important city of Israel located on the “great highway” from Damascus down to Egypt. A continual flow of commerce from Egypt came through Gaza then Megiddo and finally Damascus and back again with the goods of all the northern countries. When you stand on the hill of Megiddo and look out over the great valley of Jezreel you can feel the power of possessing the high ground in a battle. It is hard to believe until you see it but this huge valley slopes “away from” the Mediterranean all the way back to the Jordan Valley.

Leaving Megiddo and traveling south you climb through a wide pass in the Carmel Mountains allowing room for any size army to travel down the Coast. Many armies in history have traveled this Great Road. The greatest builder of Israel was King Solomon and he made Megiddo into a strong hilltop fortress that controlled this part of the Great Road. This road was very important to the world in the old days. When some part of the road was blocked for some reason the world came to a halt. If our world had no fuel for transportation we would have a similar situation. People of every different civilization must rely on the roads of their time. Because Israel is located in between the north and the south of the world they have always had the good or bad of every situation.

Not only is the Great Road important in history but it will also serve a purpose during the Millennium. The prophecy says; In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. Isa 19:23 During the last one thousand years of man on earth, the Great road will be used to bring worshipers of God together according to this scripture. During our history this road was used for war and business. Now for a thousand years it will be used for the purpose of worship for the first time. What an amazing God we have. Of course, the hilltop fortress of Megiddo will no longer be necessary. When the people of the world put God first they will become the light shining from that city on the hill. And when travelers feel the dry wind coming from the desert there will be no need to run for the city. A traveler will know that it is the comfort of God that they feel and not a dust of death covering the road.

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