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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Power Unlimited

     This is the mysterious story of how we came from the Almighty. Before time existed, God released some of his creation power on our behalf. He converted this mighty burst of energy into the mass contained in our universe. Miraculously, all of the elements in this mass were formed with different weights and properties. The most abundant element in creation is hydrogen which is a very light substance. Science has taught us that with heat and pressure we can compress the mass (elements) and great power is produced. As lighter elements join together and become a heavier mass the extra energy is released into freedom. This process is called “fusion” which makes possible our hydrogen bombs. It is interesting that the power God used to construct our world can be reversed and used to destroy mankind.
The astonishing thing is that God has given the same Spirit, who is the agent of the power of the universe, the ability to live inside a Christian. Most people are unaware that the additional power of God is available to them through the Spirit. With or without this extra power our spirit is going to live forever. People who ignore the Spirit of Power will live in eternal torment. However, the few that walk together with God’s Spirit will receive the power to live in eternal bliss. There are people that hope their life force will be extinguished when they die. This is impossible. Einstein made us aware that energy and mass may be mutually convertible but nothing can be created or destroyed in this universe. When a human dies they simply move into the spiritual world. Our spirit will never cease to exist.
People, in their unbelief, like to think that our Lord died in weakness. The truth is that Jesus was the most powerful man to ever walk the earth.  How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish unto God, Heb 9:14 (ASV) The Savior was strong enough to live a perfect life in this evil world and then through the power of the Spirit offer himself as our perfect sacrifice. Look at the power Jesus has always had, all things have been created through him(Jesus), and unto him; 17 and he is before all things, and in him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 19 For it was the good pleasure of the Father that in him should all the fullness dwell; 20 and through him(Christ) to reconcile all things unto himself, having made peace through the blood of his cross; Col 1:16-20
     In the Scriptures we find the word “through” many times. This word points out where the power for some undertaking is coming from. The power of God’s Son was evident before He became a man. However, as a man Jesus set aside his power and placed his faith in the power that God sends “through” the Spirit. When Gods will is activated, it proceeds through an intermediate. This power allows the intermediate to cause the right result. People who are allowed to receive the Spirit of God inside of them can access unlimited power. Of course, this power is to fulfill the will of God. Most people don’t believe Jesus was serious when he said we could move a mountain. This task would hardly strain the power of God.
     Great power is available to any Christian who allows the outpouring of the Spirit through their faith. The American church, for the most part, has been taught that the manifestations of God through people must not be a part of their life. There are leaders in the Church who even say that tongues, healings and miracles are from the Devil. This unbelief in the abilities of God will be an issue on judgment day. Naturally, the result today is that the Church and its people have become weak and we have only a “form of Godliness.” The fact that the organized Church is operating only in the power of men, is not the end of Christianity. Individuals still have the right to allow the Spirit to work through them. God calls these people his remnant.
     The remnant is the people that follow the will of God. The Church has reduced the work of God down to a simple process in order to appeal to the masses. This great deception has obscured the true nature of our redemption. Peter spoke of three parts to our salvation in his great sermon and the Church has adopted only one for its theme. He said “All of you must turn to God and change the way you think and act”. Our Church allows believers to continue their lives in the same way they have always lived, other than conforming to certain obvious codes. Next Peter preached “each of you must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins will be forgiven.” This is the one that believers today like because they feel that they don’t have to do anything themselves. The third part of this verse says Then you will receive the Holy Spirit”. Acts 2:38
       The Church has failed to notice the word “then”. After the first two parts of salvation are adhered to THEN the Holy Spirit can begin to direct the Christian life in a believer. For some reason people think they have no part in their salvation. The truth is that we have a very important part to play. We must allow and facilitate the working of God in our life both now and forever. Yes, unlimited power is available to each Christian but have we made ourselves ready for such a position? Are we ready for the power needed to raise us from this earth and carry us to the next world?

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