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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Barabbas - Part Two

Part Two - The Story of the Letter

(Barabbas is now middle aged and owns a successful caravan business.)
Let me explain that the entire Jerusalem church was supportive of my new life as a Christian and some of them helped me start my business. By working hard and being honest I was now able to support the church which had some hard times because of the religious Jews. It is a real joy to support the ones who have forgiven me and are the family I never had before. The Lord even gave me a wonderful wife and one son. My son now lives in Bethlehem with his new wife. I have time to tell you these things because I am on a ship returning from a trip to Ephesus.

It was a joyous trip and I now possess a copy of a letter written by Paul. Many times I have listened to stories about this godly man named Paul. I have not met him but his letters are revolutionizing the Christian community. A friend of mine lives in Ephesus and he insisted that I come to visit him. I did not feel I had the time until he promised I could make my own copy of a letter Paul has written to the Church at Ephesus. I am standing at the railing with my new scroll and thinking of the change in my life since I sat beneath the cross. It still seems unreal to me that this old robber has changed so much and that Bar-abbas is really a son of our Father in Heaven.

I had a great time visiting the church in Ephesus and I read my new scroll all the way back to Jerusalem. Along with the writings of my friend John this letter is my most precious possession. Paul’s letter is more than I had hoped for. It explains what happened to me on the day 120 of us had the Spirit of Jesus enter our body’s while the flames danced above us. For example the letter says; when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit.  1:13  I now know that when Jesus died that afternoon on the cross He paid the price for my soul and I belong to Him. And I learned that when His Spirit came down 50 days afterward it was to live inside me. This odd story has become the most real thing in my life.

I could hardly wait to arrive home and tell the Jerusalem church about my trip and encourage them in the Lord. You know the original Barabbas had been a dumb thief. But today I understand so many things about life that I can hardly believe it. As I read my copy of the letter again I notice that another great gift was given to me. It says; I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom 1:16 How can any believer think that they understand God if the Spirit of Jesus in not giving them wisdom? Oh how I love to read about what God has done for His children.

When I arrived home and was allowed to address the Church I felt very important. I told them that I had  never spoken to Jesus but that He had told the Disciples He “must” leave this earth so that 50 days after His death, His spirit could come back to earth and live inside of people. This is important because; Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit  2:18 Yes, now each of us can approach the Almighty Father through the Spirit of Jesus. In the old times of the Priests no one ever thought it would be possible that individuals could have access to the great “I am”. Believe it or not, we have continual, 24/7, access to the Almighty so that we are never without Him.

The church listened as I told that when John found me sitting in the dark at the foot of the cross, there was not one person in the world that I could trust. Boy how things have changed. I can trust every friend in my church today. One time while reading the letter I noticed this line; In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. 2:22  This must mean that every Christian person is being shaped as a part of something much greater. We are all part of the great body of Christ. And today the temple of God is completely godly which certainly makes every member of Christ trustworthy and full of honor. I am not just an individual.

On the way home from church I passed an old religious man on the street. He made me remember how the old Barabbas used to laugh at the silly routines that religious people were following. But now I only feel sorry for them because they do not have the Spirit of Jesus to show them the way. The letter from Paul explains it this way; As you read what I have written, you will understand my insight into this plan regarding Christ. God did not reveal it to previous generations, but now by his Spirit he has revealed it.  3:3-5 The apostles writings reveal the plan of God because the Spirit of Jesus lives in us and interprets everything to believers. I love being a Christian.

After I first became a believer there were times when I did not think I would have the mental or moral strength to live as a Christian. Later I learned that it did not require my strength at all. The secret was to trust God; I pray that from his ( the Father) glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.  3:16-17 As an ex-criminal there were many times that I almost went back to my old deeds but the Lord always sent something along to remind me that His power was in me.
When Paul wrote this letter I wonder if he had any idea how many times it would be read? Anyway, even as different as we all are with many different failings in our past life, the Spirit continues to try and unite us into one family. Our part is to be willing; Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.  4:3 When I was a robber there was no way I would bind myself to any other. It was every man for himself but now that I am a Christian everything has been reversed. I am glad that the letter says a lot about how we have become part of a great family.

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