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Friday, December 18, 2015

The Divine Agreement

During the Christmas season each year there is an extraordinary feeling of “good will” that comes over most Christian people. Can we explain this unusual sensation when it happens to us? There are many different speculations that have been made but a suspicion always remains that maybe we don’t have the full explanation. Is it possible that this once a year feeling is not totally of this earth? What if the birth of God’s son stirs something among humans that is actually shared with God’s heavenly creations making it a stronger than usual feeling?

When the baby Jesus came into this world the wheels of God’s greatest plan began to turn. This child was the beginning of the divine agreement that would bind God’s society together forever. In other words, the Savior of humans will also rule everything for eternity. It seems to us that this advent or arrival of the King, involves more than our universe. It must be special to all creations. A Christian is aware that the New Covenant includes the salvation of God’s children but there are things included that we are not even aware of.

The main thing that happened for the human race when Jesus was born was the beginning of eternal life for humans. After the Savior left the earth the Holy Spirit came to earth in a brand new capacity. He would live in Christians. Maybe the special feeling at Christmas is a result of the Spirit of God living in us. When we are made right with God many wonderful things are possible in our lives that the unsaved don’t enjoy. The people that enter into the Divine plan will become part of God’s glorious eternity.

The freedom that comes with this new life can give us a great confidence. This poise we have because of our Lord is a priceless gift. A Christian will suffer at the hands of the worldly people simply to reflect the glory of the Lord. Our willingness to reflect the glory of God is a gift that we receive from the Spirit living in us. The new life that we have received can change us “into His glorious image.” The Divine Agreement does come with a very special feeling even if we are reading too much into the excitement of Christmas.  

For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image. 2 Cor 3:17-18 (NLT)

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