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Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Leper and the Lamb - The Need for Oil (Introduction)

Truth flows from God to mankind, resembling precious oil flowing from an eternal source. It slowly makes a path into the depth of our spirit. As it seeps into our being we find ourselves becoming pliable to the will of our Creator. This miraculous flow is capable of creating a connection from Jesus to our spirit and can even overflow into the world. In some cases, it's soothing effects will touch a hardened person and change their life forever.

Jesus is the truth of God and the gentle flow of the Spirit is what we need for our salvation. Christians become a part of Jesus by the Spirit as we stay obedient to the Master. Worldly people can never understand this relationship. The Spirit is our mentor or adviser and He nurtures us during our Christian development.

Jesus is the focal point of our Bible but throughout the Scriptures the Holy Spirit is also important. Observe that oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit in the laws given to cleanse a leper. The Holy Spirit represents everything that Jesus is to a redeemed person. Long ago, the scriptures said that Jesus would come to earth and receive wisdom, understanding, might, fear of God and righteousness as prophesied in Isaiah 11:1-5. The Spirit is the conduit that brings these same characteristics into the lives of His followers. In addition, Christians can receive from the Spirit: healing, comfort, help, remembrance, conviction, resurrection and everything we need to please God. The Spirit never works for his own glory but directs people toward the Savior. We must have the Spirit to help us or we will never live successfully in Jesus.

The pint of oil which the leper had brought to the ceremony (as discussed in previous posts) was used in three different ways during this ritual of the Guilt offering. The uses are described as sprinkling, covering and pouring at different stages. The separate uses of the oil show the diverse ways the Spirit helps us become a part of Jesus.

Over the next few posts, we will discuss each stage (sprinkling, covering and pouring)during the ceremony of declaring the leper clean and how it relates to us as lepers of sin. The first stage of sprinkling is the most in-depth because we will also look at the relation of the leper's ceremony of sprinkling to the symbolism of the temple furniture. Then how the sprinkling and the temple furniture are related to our sanctification by the Spirit. It's an exciting study that will help us see God's perfect plan.

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