It has been said that Christianity is a life reverse to this world. Just for fun, let's look at the word "faith". Webster defines it this way, "a belief that is NOT based on proof." This is well accepted because the rational mind does not like to accept anything that is invisible. The Bible describes faith another way. A liberal rendition of Hebrews 11 is "believing in things that cannot be seen because they ARE proved over and over in reality." Of course, when you tell an unbeliever about the wonderful things that God does they will say, "That's a coincidence." However, Bible stories are examples of how God works on this earth. The feeding of the five thousand is a wonderful picture of faith.
After a long day of healing the folks, Jesus tells the disciples to feed the people because they are hungry. The disciples point out that they do not have enough money to buy that much food. So, Jesus takes five loaves of bread and two fishes and by faith He ask the Father in Heaven to multiply the food. Now, by our own rules of evidence this "faith" is based on proof. It was a real substance because all the people affirmed it by saying they were full of food. When everyone was satisfied the disciples gathered up twelve baskets full of leftovers. These had value and could have been sold, which is the proof we judge most things by. There are times when the world's rationale are set aside.
Christianity is a life that survives on faith and overcomes with faith. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5:4,5 It is the correct faith that finds its reality in Jesus Christ. The Savior is invisible but we know for sure that He is living in us. He is as real as the day He asked God to make all that bread and fish. Jesus went so far as to make this claim, I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matt 17:20,21 Unbelievers love this verse because most Christians cannot show proof that it is true. This is going to be a small comfort to a person suffering in eternity for their unbelief.
God has always made things out of the invisible. Therefore, to have faith in things we cannot see, does make sense. The fact that unbelievers will not accept the abilities of our God is sad but can never change the wonders of faith. When we see a person who has obviously been born-again, we rejoice. People with no faith in God are puzzled and they accuse some reborn persons of losing their mind. Making something from the invisible always flies in the face of rational minds. Let us pray that the Spirit will help them get over it.
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