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Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Christian Life - Let Me In

There are some people that won't take "no" for an answer and will try every way they can around it to get what they want and on their terms. While in Israel, I met one of those people.  StJohn (pronounced Sin-Gin) was a tough, little, English fellow that came to Israel and decided he was not going back to England.  He tried the visa office again and again, and consistently asked government officials about his staying in Israel.  The answer was always "no".  Finally, when he was about to be deported, StJohn found a Jewish dentist that needed a kidney donor.  (You probably see where I'm going with this...)  That's right, StJohn traded one of his kidneys for a resident visa that allowed him to live in Israel.  There are several ways to live in Israel, but some people, like StJohn, cry let us in.

Upon hearing this story, we may think trading part of our body a very strange idea.  However, there are people who try to obtain a visa to Heaven this same way.  Some believe they can trade their lives for Heaven by doing "good" for the poor.  There are others who give exactly 10% of their money to the church and they also never miss an opportunity to be at service.   Many others think that a certain religious routine is the way to Heaven, even if they just make it as by fire.  Some people think their mothers and fathers will pray them into Heaven.  I've heard one man say, "My home in heaven may be small, but just let me in."  If people will do anything to get to Heaven, then why isn't everyone following Christ instead of trying to plead their way into heaven?

There is only one way to Heaven.  And when Jesus says there is no other way, he means it.  I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6  There is no ritual or wishful thinking or nice thoughts that get anyone into Heaven.  It takes a surrendering of one's life to Jesus Christ and walking daily in a faith of the one who came to earth to die for the world.  If only people could realize the freedom and liberty that comes with knowing Jesus.  Some people are just not willing to surrender their lives to Christ because they are hiding something in their heart that they are unwilling to lose.   Whatever it is people try to hide within their heart from man and God, they cannot hide it from God.  God sees it clearly.  Man may be fooled, but no one can fool God with false pretense, He knows their heart.

After 2000 years, Jesus continues to ask people if they will let Him in.  In these last days, we must pray that the Spirit will give His people the courage to surrender to Jesus all things.

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