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Monday, September 13, 2010

The Leper and the Lamb - Continual Burning to God (Consecration)

The last we saw the leper in The Leper and the Lamb series, he was in the midst of the cleansing ceremony at the Meat Offering which includes both the bread (meat) and drink offering.  The drink offering is for us to pour our lives out daily for the cause of Christ.  This is "consecration".  Consecration is a part of our salvation and it is being ignored by many church people today.  When some people are confronted with the subject of their consecration they will normally say that God knows they are weak and He will forgive them.  The problem with this defense is that people are so many times just not interested in the things of God and He will never allow them into His home.  It is necessary to seek God with all your heart and no excuse is good.

Jesus loved his disciples in a special way because they had given their all to him.  Before he left this earth Jesus attempted to comfort them with these words, I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (John 14:2-3)  Jesus is busy preparing a place for his disciples to live with God.  We are told that eleven of the original disciples are going to live in heaven and there will be other followers who will dedicate themselves to Jesus Christ.  Some people understand what Jesus was saying but they are so busy they cannot consecrate their life.  It is very sad to speak about people who know the truth but will never enter heaven.  The Bible talks about Heaven for people who are seeking a better life with their God of whom they feel no shame and He is their only goal in life.  But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for he hath prepared for them a city. (Heb 11:16)

God created us and gave us great promises that are almost unbelievable.  Sometimes people ask how we know these things are actually true.  This normally indicates that the person does not have proper faith in God.  When a person is really saved the Spirit comes to live inside them and actively participates in their life.  Saved people have no doubt to God's promises and have a certainty not found anywhere else in this world.

In the time of Moses the people would die if they touched the things of God.  We are different because today we are invited to belong to a family with access to God.   ye are come unto mount Zion...and church of the first born, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all. (Heb 12:22,23)  Jesus is providing everything we need to be part of eternity with God the Father.  It is only reasonable to believe, when we have a desire to join God's family, that we must commit ourselves to pleasing the Father.  People who ignore God today are very unreasonable to think He owes them anything.

Consider the price paid by our Savior Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.  Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.  For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come (Heb 13:12-14)  This passage also refers to a new world in the future that will be available for those who do become a part of God's family.  Jesus gives assurance of salvation to followers who obey Him.  Continually just saying one is going to heaven does not make it true.  God is looking for consecration.

In order to produce the consecration that will honor our Lord, we must seek a personal life of purity through the Spirit.  This requires a state of the heart having complete devotion to God.  There should be no split loyalties, hypocrisy, outside interest, unpure motives or an insincerity in our holiness.  When a heart is reserved completely for God it will find harmony with the character of our Creator.  Some people struggle to find this place with our Lord but are not willing to trust God enough to turn everything over to His control.  Faith is not just a word to be understood but a life to be given up.  

Look at the life of Job in order to see another measurement of dedication people today are overlooking.  Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.  Thus did Job continually. (Job 1:5)  Notice that Job was getting up early to do more than was necessary for his own salvation.  A person who really fears God will do all they can to please the Master by going out of their way to do extra for Him.  Americans cannot seem to get past looking out for themselves long enough to do extra duty for others.  God cannot be pleased when church people only do for themselves and then go around trying to represent Jesus on earth.  Our lives should have a continual burning away of anything that interferes with our service to Jesus Christ.  If we go outside our comfort zone we can find a place to offer sacrifices unto God.

Many people never consider giving up this worldly life because they cannot visualize heaven being worth all the trouble.  I wish there was some way to describe heaven but like everything of is impossible.  There are a few things we do know about Heaven which may help to see its value.  It is an everlasting home for the redeemed and there is no negative attribute of any kind.  God dwells in this place of inexhaustible fullness and He supplies all life for eternity.  Man has never been able to visualize the incredible beauty of gold streets and the twelve transparent colors of the Holy City.  God is the only one who has an independent existence and He supplies all the power needed for life to continue.  Heaven is perfectly innocent because God is an infinite Spirit who is both personal and pure.  The sovereign creator is absolutely perfect which causes everything around Him to be unparalleled in splendor.  God's son has identified with the human-creation for the rest of eternity as our Savior and if we are adopted into His family we will have the guarantee of an indescribable adventure for evermore.  If we will consecrate ourselves there is no telling what joys will be found.

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