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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Seven Pillars of Christianity-Pillar Four - Prayer - Part 1

Prayer is central to everything in our Christian life and we find the pillar of prayer located in the middle of the seven columns.  If we persevere in prayer many things in our life will change and this is evidence that God is living in us.  Paul commanded the people of "The Way" to continually pray, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. (Eph 6:18)

Our instructions are to make continual prayers and we are told of our responsibility to pray for others.  Many times the word intercession is used when we pray on behalf of others.  We should feel compassion when we seek God for others because both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are interceding on our behalf.  In Romans chapter eight we read that the Spirit is praying for us and then it says, Christ...who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. (Ro 8:34)  God has granted us the privilege of prayer and we should enjoy talking to Him about the people He lays on our heart. 

One powerful effect of praying for others is that our love for the people around us will continue to grow as we present their problems to the Lord.  Seeing changes in the lives of others will strengthen our own faith.

Worship is a part of prayer and many people in the Scriptures demonstrate how to exalt our Lord.  The scholars tell us that the roots of the word "worship" are found in the master/servant relationship.  In America we have a difficult time understanding the feelings a person will have in the presence of the king.  Some people will lose the strength in their legs and fall to the floor.  The greatness of a good master will bring a response of awe, reverence and adoring.  Humble servants feel a need to express their gratitude and love.  Worship is about praise for who God is and thanksgiving for what He has done.

As God's servants we can expect to feel worship in our souls and sometimes it will flow out into the physical.  May we learn to worship our God for He is worthy.

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