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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Seven Pillars of Christianity-Pillar Four - Prayer - Part 2

Our prayers are directed to God every day and His spirit is talking to us continually yet Jesus gave us the concept of fasting.  One way to think of this time without food is as if you were supercharging your prayers.  When we don't eat we can be come humble and our reliance on God is much greater.  This time of leaning on God will bring the response from Him that we need.  It is easier to hear Him because we have temporarily set aside the things of the world.  The fast also causes our soul to become more sensitive and we will receive God's guidance without our normal resistance.  This self-control is sure to please God by showing our sincerity.

The subject of confession also has its place here in the pillar of prayer.  One type of confession is for us to declare who we serve by giving Him praise and thanksgiving.  This done in an outward expression so that other people will hear about the glory of our God. 

Another type of confession happens when a sinner is repenting and seeking salvation.  He will make his confession to other people by telling of his new revelation and faith in Jesus.  There must be confession of wrong doings after conversion in order to receive forgiveness and this is ordinarily done in private prayer.  John wrote, If we confess our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  (1 John 1:9)  Any hindrance of our prayers is a matter of concern and must not be allowed to stay an obstacle in communication with our heavenly father.

There are concepts the Bible teaches us about prayer that seem exceptional about our relationship God.  In one parable that Jesus gave us, a woman went to an unjust judge repeatedly in order get what she wanted.  The lesson being taught here is to have tenacity in our prayers.  We usually have the idea that the Lord will do what He wants and we have no say at all.  God has the ability to grant our urgent requests and at the same time He will accomplish His purpose.

Jesus introduced another interesting principle when the fig tree died after he cursed it.  At the end of the story, Jesus said that a mountain will throw itself into the sea if we have real faith when we give our directions.  Apparently it is possible to live a life of abandonment unto God, that our words will contain enough power to cause the things we say to come about.  Jesus knew that each request he made would be granted by God and he tell us when we pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:24)

Our need for faith is understandable but also said that we must forgive people who have wronged us.  God will only heed our prayers after we have forgiven those who have wronged us, therefore forgiveness is equally important as our faith.  When we forgive others a peace comes into our lives and Jesus came to earth as our example of forgiveness.

Jesus taught in the story of the publican and the Pharisee that even our attitude is important.  If we are not humble and repentant, God will not listen to our prayers and we should not expect any answer.  The Almighty has planned everything to work perfectly and we must strive to stay in step with Him.  The Spirit will reveal anything to us as we do not understand, to show us the way of God.

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