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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Christian Life - God Rescues Us

Rescuing humans is something God loves to do and He is good at it.  Even if we are the least needy person on the earth, we must be rescued by the Savior.  The great thing is that the Lord continues to rescue Christians all through their life. 

In the following verse, it seems possible that Paul was preaching in a lion's den although it would be difficult to focus on the message. The message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it and I was delivered from the lion's mouth.  The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. (2 Tim 4:17-18)  He does tell us plainly that the Lord will rescue us from attacks.  There is a wonderful feeling of gratitude that floods us when He does save us out of a situation that we could never handle.

One beautiful evening my wife and I were strolling down a long tree lined driveway when suddenly everything changed to "life-threatening."  The neighbor owned a vicious guard dog that was chained to his storage building.  This evening was different as the dog ran from behind the trees and started his attack.  With teeth bared, he came down the middle of the lane running faster and faster.  At about 200 feet, I pushed my wife behind myself and braced for the collision.  At the distance where the dog was about to leap for the kill, the teeth disappeared and the ears stood up.  A look of fright came over the animal and he veered off to the left just missing us.  Without slowing, the dog headed straight for home and was never seen again.  Immediately, everything returned to normal.

Trained killers are not usually frightened when attacking a target.  Unfortunately, a killer is looking for each of us.  The devil is the vicious killer and he wants to devour every Christian.  Praise God, we can be assured that the Savior will rescue us from every attack just as He did Paul.  There are times when we see trouble coming and we have time to pray.  However, when trouble does come as a surprise we are secure because nothing can surprise our Savior.  Thank the Lord, He watches over His children.

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