We have finished a look at the first two pillars which are about Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Remember, the first two pillars, Life Everlasting and Death to the World, have been provided to us for our salvation. Within these two pillars we find the core of Christian doctrine and all Christian denominations (Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant) agree on them. The five doctrines are as follows: the Trinity, deity of Christ, bodily Resurrection, atoning work of Christ and salvation by grace through faith. We find Christian unity in these areas and thank God for it.
In Hebrews 6:1, the Bible adds a few things when it encourages us to leave the elementary teachings about Christ. This list includes: repentance from acts of sin, having faith in God, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection and eternal judgment. The point is that we must move on to maturity which is living and teaching about righteousness. The next three pillars are things we do here on earth which are all about righteousness. Although we are doing the works, everything is still a gift of God. They which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:17)
Paul told us about the holy life (pillar three) that follows our death to the world, put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness (Eph 4:24) This is our chance to return to righteousness which will recast us in the image of God. To live in holiness is the goal of a real disciple and living a life of righteousness becomes our joy. To remove the world from ourselves and not replace it with holiness would leave us in a pitiful condition. Our old nature would soon refill our life with sins and leave us in worse condition.
Just as baptism symbolizes our death with Jesus, it also illustrates how we are raised into a new holy life. God has told us in the scriptures I am Holy (1 Peter 1:16) and because of our fallen condition we are separated from Him. Every individual who desires to live with the Heavenly Father must find a new life of holiness. In the same verse it states be ye holy and it is therefore imperative that we become a holy person who is set aside for service in the Lord.
Many people do not believe it is possible to live this new consecrated life. Once again we see the importance of the Holy Spirit living in us, for we cannot live a Godly life without his direct assistance. The Scripture informs us that God has given us the gift of righteousness (Romans 5:17) and we must receive this gift, believing that it is ours. This pillar of Holiness is the backbone of the Christian life.
Here is what Paul said about the life of Jesus: He was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness. (Romans 1:4)
The power of Jesus' life here on earth was centered in holiness so it follows that the life of a Christian also finds its existence in holiness. You could say that we must build a new life for ourselves because the old life has been put to death. The Spirit brings into our life things which were never there before. In Isaiah 11:2 we are told some of the things the Spirit would bring into the life of Jesus including: wisdom, understanding counsel, might, knowledge and fear of the Lord. If we ask our Father to place these things in our lives, the resulting walk of righteousness will please God. The perfect life Jesus led on earth is the great example unveiled in the gospels.
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