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Monday, October 11, 2010

Seven Pillars of Christianity-Pillar One-Life Everlasting-Part 3

As we begin the walk of a Christian life we become aware of a problem.  When newly washed Christians resume their everyday life in this corrupt world, they usually find a few sins that are difficult to remove from their activities.  If these sins are ignored they will gradually pull a person back into a worldly life.

Peter warned us when he said if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein and overcome, the latter end is worse. (2 Peter 2:20)  It is very dangerous to allow any sin to stay unattended in your life because it will always detract from your walk with God.  Our old nature is always with us and will cause problems until we die.  These problems can be a reminder that we need the Lord's help.  The same power that saved us will stay with us always if we just call on Him.  Our faith in Jesus is the path that can lead us through this world and into heaven some day.

You can see why it should be a priority of the church to encourage us to stay clean from all sin.  We do have a two part defense against falling back into sin.  Our first line of resistance is the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us and is always alert to our problems.  When something in our life is not right, He works tirelessly to urge us to clean it up.  Usually we have no desire to commit immoral things, but there are always things like intolerance or selfishness that the Spirit wants to help us remove from our activities.

Another provision we have is going to God in prayer; asking Him to forgive us and to help us not to repeat the offense.  Living a life for God has its own secure aspect being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.  (Ro 5:10)  Although our Savior lived a perfect life the Spirit will lead us to emulate the life of Jesus demonstrated while on earth.  Of course our life is never without sin and that is why the Bible says we are "saved by His life."

Jesus is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25) and you have an opportunity to be saved today if you will give up your ways for His.  Paul wrote that the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. (1 Cor 15:45) This means that Jesus has to power to restore mankind back to God one soul at a time.  Only people that desire to know God and live his kind of life will be given the opportunity to enjoy God in a personal way. 

One of the most controversial verses in the Bible says Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. (James 2:24)  An old argument over-simplifies salvation when it says "faith alone" and nothing that man can do will bring anyone to salvation.  This verse simply means that people who are really born again will always produce good works and that we do not have the ability to be saved without action on our faith.  The scriptures tell us that even the devil's believe but they certainly will never enter heaven.  Our salvation must include obedience if we wish to spend eternity with God.  The power is in the life that Christ lived for us and His death on the cross.  Oh!  What a savior who has provided it all for us but we must have more than a head knowledge...our life must change.

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