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Monday, July 25, 2011

Yarkon River

One of the oldest spring fed rivers in the world. It slowly winds its way from the springs down to the Mediterranean shore. This historic landmark is located in the middle of Israel. There are over 2000 springs in a small valley nine miles northeast of Tel Aviv. This crystal clear water was flowing to the sea when Abraham entered the land four thousand years ago. On a hill overlooking the valley of springs are the multilayered ruins of Antipatris. This is the place where Paul stayed overnight when traveling with the Roman Army as written in the book of Acts. In fact, every great army in history that traveled between Europe and Africa camped at this water supply. When you walk along the banks of the Yarkon, a feeling that thousands of war horses are bending their heads to drink fills your imagination.

Originally Israel was a part of the most beautiful garden in the world. Maybe this great flow of pure spring water ran its course through the Garden of Eden after the creation of Earth. Watching the kids run off a high bank and plunge in to the stream can carry you into deep thought. On a hot day the cool water must have saved countless souls from the oppressing heat. When a person is lost they must find water in order to survive. If water is not found, death is only two or three days from claiming its victim. Usually, trees and food surround the water. It can be said that water has a certain power over death. Jesus said that; Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. John 4:14 This means that they will never die. If the spring water of the Yarkon were drank only once for eternal life, there would be a long line at the river bank.

Most of this spring water is sent down to the desert. You can drive along a two lane road in the desert and enjoy seeing miles and miles of beautiful flowers being raised to ship out to the world. Both sides of the road have many blocks of different colors as far as the eye can see. Hundreds of years ago the Scriptures prophesied; The wilderness will rejoice and blossom…water will gush forth in the wilderness. Isa 35:1,6 The spring water no longer travels nine miles to be lost into the sea. It now travels 80 miles to the middle of the desert where life burst forth in astounding color. All life is provided by God and he can make everything beautiful and alive. The Lord will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Isaiah 51:3 Although the Garden of Eden was spoiled by the sin of humans, God can easily rebuild it.

Every life has been spoiled by sin making us into spiritual deserts. The Almighty is ready to provide everything needed to turn our desert into a beautiful garden. He wants to send life giving water down to each of us. The Book of John tells us that Jesus is the water of life. The water we need comes to us from Heaven through the conduit of the Holy Spirit. Most people today have become oriented to this world and will not give it up to live entirely for God. Remember that our garden was destroyed by sin and it must have a great power to recreate it. Turn to God and your desert will blossom. I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people. Isaiah 43:20

Monday, July 18, 2011

Modern Arad

Israel is a small place with a wide range of climate choices. The north of this country is green with beautiful coast lines, mountains and valleys. But in the south it is brown and dry like the Sinai. Between the two is a hilly wilderness area, stretching from Gaza across to the Dead Sea. Much of the Old Testament history took place in this middle area. On a hill high above the Dead Sea is the small town of Arad. The hill is not that high but the Dead Sea is 1300 ft. below sea level. One tour guide tells some of his Jews that Jesus is not dead like this body of water. Driving in this arid town gives you a strange feeling. There is a notable absence of all speed signs, stop lights and no traffic signs of any kind. If you roll down your window you hear the silence of the desert and feel the warm dry breeze that the town is known for. When entering their underground mall there is a feeling that very independent people live here.

On another little mound about five miles west are several layers of the original towns of Arad. Probably dating back to the grandsons of Noah we know that this old town was inhabited by different ethnic groups over the years but all were known for their independence.  As you look south at the Negev wilderness it is hard to visualize 2 million people advancing on this little town. However, this is how Israel approached the Promised Land after the Exodus from Egypt but there were tough Canaanites living in Arad. The Canaanites who lived in that hill country came down and attacked Israel and beat them all the way to Hormah. Numbers14:45 ( Halfway back to the Red Sea) The Lord allowed this to happen because of their unbelief at the time. Forty years later Israel entered from the north and killed the Canaanites and Arad became theirs. It follows that some of the most independent people of Judah settled in this dry town.

One of the sure signs of their independence was found while digging in the ruins of the old Arad. The foundations of an imitation of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem were uncovered. This is the only place found in Israel where the people broke the law by building their own temple to God. It was patterned after the one in Jerusalem. The experts say that it was destroyed in 622 BC when the godly King Josiah was destroying the shrines of Israel for the greatest Passover ever celebrated. Just as he had done at Bethel, Josiah removed and defiled all the shrines at the high places that the kings of Israel had built… “Celebrate the Passover to the Lord your God” 2 kings 23:19-21 For some reason the people in Arad felt they could set up their own Holy Temple and worship God by their own rules.

Most Americans believe that they can worship God by following their own rules. We are a young and independent country and can accomplish anything we put our minds to. But God does not change for anyone. Maybe it is time for us to read the scriptures and follow instructions the way Josiah did when Israel had done its own thing. We might have to tear down some religious temples to make room for the true worship of God in our lives. Are we willing?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Gifts From God

The “Free Gift” of God is something we are familiar with in our culture. Because of Christmas, Easter and Sunday preaching, 85% of Americans feel they will receive the free gift of God. We are referring to Jesus of course, and how people think he gives out free passes into heaven.  If it were that simple God would not have given us hundreds of pages of instruction. Salvation is a plan for our lives that is very complex and intricate. In addition to the gift of God’s only son to the whole world, there are many other gifts available to Christians. These other gifts are foundational to the Christian life. For some reason, most Church people today are telling God they are not interested in his additional gifts. This is denying the truth and living in unbelief. Is it possible that we accept the first gift because Jesus did all the work but refuse the individual gifts because something is required of us?

All God’s gifts are undeserved favor toward humans. The grace of our God cannot be measured because it is so great. Although undeserved and immeasurable, all the gifts of God must be accepted in the prescribed way. The distribution of gifts is always accomplished by the Holy Spirit. If the gifts are to be a part of our life it is necessary that the Spirit live in us to provide the continuing grace of God. The Salvation of a person involves everything necessary to change an undeserving human from their position as a sinner into a righteous being that lives continually in God. As we sit on the Church bench we hear the words about living our lives for Him. We even sing songs stating that we will live our life completely in the service of our Lord Jesus.  Then we walk out the door and don’t even think about him for a week.

The main thing we need to receive the gifts of God is a desire for them. Unfortunately, most Churches have been teaching people that the additional gifts of God ceased a few years after Jesus died. However, the Bible tells us clearly that the gifts are for all Christians. One verse tells us directly that the gifts of God never stop. For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Rom 11:29 The word repent does not tell fully what God is saying here. He is stating that he has no regrets and does not make mistakes and never needs to change the way he does things. When people say the gifts are not for today they are calling God a liar. If God were to stop the gifts of the Spirit then He would have effectively stopped his calling of sinners into righteousness. Christians must believe in the gifts of the Spirit.

The Greek word for “gifts” is charisma. In English it means a charming personality but in Biblical Greek it means the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. Maybe spiritual gifts give us an appealing personality in the Heavenly world. We do know that everybody is different in the next world just as we are individual in this world. This verse explains that having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us. Rom 12:6 This passage goes on to say that whichever gifts have been given to us we must use them with the love of God for others. In another place Paul is talking about the gifts of God and he says; Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 1 Cor 12:4 Although we are very individual the Spirit makes us all one in Jesus Christ. Our gift is always to benefit the body of Christ.

Peter confirms the “gifts are for the body” principle, while teaching about Christian love. He says; As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 1 Peter 4:10 In the last part of this verse we are told again that the gifts are part of God’s unmerited favor and we are required to be responsible to the body of Christ. All the spiritual gifts are given to us by the Spirit and are not the natural gifts we were born with. The Church is attempting to use the natural gifts in place of spiritual gifts. This is doomed to failure because everything we have naturally is involved in our sinful nature. We will never please God until our nature is completely yielded to Jesus Christ and we accept the gifts he has for us.  

Humans also have another problem that causes us to fail God. Simply put, we are easily distracted. Paul told his friend; Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which is given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of hands. 1 Tim 4:14 Even the few people that have accepted the gifts of the Spirit can grow weary and become involved in worldly things. A person must really love God if they intend to continue in His service. The best gifts are usually received by prophecy and the laying on of hands. This is not a hard and fast rule but God does have preferred ways of doing things. Because the Church has rejected tongues, healings, and miracles (gifts of the Spirit) it is difficult to find someone to lay hands on us. Somehow, we must receive the gifts of God. Lord, help us in this land of unbelief.

God uses people as his agents on earth. We may not feel qualified but this is the way of God’s favor (grace). Paul wanted to go to new places if God would allow. For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established. Rom 1:11 Acting as God’s agent, Paul would lay his hands on someone the Lord had chosen and impart a gift of the Spirit. There have always been a few that served God like this but there are not very many. God’s servants are not cowardly and they must really focus, Wherefore, I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear. 2 Tim 1:6,7  We must accept all the gifts of God if  we want to be a good servant of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just Another Faithless Nation

In the old days we prayed for the faithless nation of Russia. The preacher would tell us how blessed we were not live in a faithless nation. In order to serve God the people of Russia had to “go underground”. Maybe they were better off spiritually, than America today. Our country has become faithless but we don’t have an underground. According to the TV programs we are facing the end of this age because our way of life has reached its expiration date. The materials we need are dirty and about to be depleted. The fact that our way of life is in jeopardy should not cause us to be faithless. Maybe we became faithless first.

One time Jesus was talking about God and our time in history when He said, I can guarantee that he (God) will give them justice quickly. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Luke 18:8 All through history people have called out to God for justice and He has answered. However, the question here is “will anyone be calling out?” Oh, I know that every Church person today will cry out that they are people of faith. But does their faith please God? We know that there are many kinds of faith. But if we want to live with God in eternity our faith must be approved by Him. Only by studying God’s word can we be sure that our faith is properly founded in truth.

Before Jesus left the earth he gave a warning. Then many will lose faith. They will betray and hate each other. 11 Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 And because there will be more and more lawlessness, most people's love will grow cold. 13 But the person who endures to the end will be saved. Matt 24:10-13 When a believer ignores the leading of the Spirit they are lawless in the sight of God. Romans tells us that we are to live under the law of the Spirit. Of course, without doing what God wants, our Christian love is going to grow cold. We have become indifferent to our spiritual life. Folks say they have faith but they ignore the life God commands. Church people will be judged faithless for not doing what they know.

There are several things that cause believers to grow cold. Paul talked about one of the main reasons when he said, But people who want to get rich keep falling into temptation. They are trapped by many stupid and harmful desires which drown them in destruction and ruin. 10 Certainly, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people who have set their hearts on getting rich have wandered away from the Christian faith and have caused themselves a lot of grief. 1 Tim 6:9-10 As a person gains things in this world, it becomes easier and easier to ignore God on a daily basis. When we don’t seek God daily we are becoming faithless. When enough individuals ignore God we become another faithless nation.

Another problem this country faces is a lack of righteousness. Some believers claim righteousness but they don’t love the people around them.  We understand what love is when we realize that Christ gave his life for us. That means we must give our lives for other believers. 17 Now, suppose a person has enough to live on and notices another believer in need. How can God's love be in that person if he doesn't bother to help the other believer? 18 Dear children, we must show love through actions that are sincere, not through empty words. 1 John 3:16-18 It is not possible to be righteous if you don’t show your love like Jesus did. When a believer refuses to act the way Jesus acted, they have become faithless.

Truth has certainly fallen in this country. No one can claim to be right with God and have unconfessed lies in their life. Many today think that they do not need to confess because nobody knows what they have done. God knows everything and we must admit that we are guilty of every sin in our life. Without confession of our sins there is no way to live a life based on the truth. Faith in God begins with us turning our life into the path of truth. We have many people today attempting to live for God but they never dedicated themselves to total truthfulness. So Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him, “If you live by what I say, you are truly my disciples. 32 You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

The truth is that many believers are in love with this world.  In order to claim a life of faith to God, we must fight to hate the world. When Jesus was praying for us he said this. They don't belong to the world any more than I belong to the world. 17 “Use the truth to make them holy. Your words are truth. 18 I have sent them into the world the same way you sent me into the world. 19 I'm dedicating myself to this holy work I'm doing for them so that they, too, will use the truth to be holy. John 17:16-19 Thinking people should be able to see why we have become a faithless nation. You must fight in order to live a godly and faithful life. It is time for us to dedicate ourselves to the holy work of God.