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Sunday, September 3, 2017


The Kingdom of Heaven can be found in the new covenant. Two parts of the treasure are explained in Scripture. Of course the main part is Jesus Christ and all that He has provided. The other part is the way the Lord reaches out for lost people and brings them into His family. A treasure must be found before anyone can enjoy it. Jesus brought the new covenant to earth but people must allow it to change them. 

The biggest obstacle to finding the Kingdom of Heaven is our own self-will. The new covenant can have no eternal meaning to us until our self-will surrenders itself to Jesus. Believers are required to serve Jesus as their King. Kingdoms must have a king that rules their citizens with purpose. The new covenant contains God’s will. Unbelievers cannot be part of the covenant because they refuse to serve the will of the King. 

This new covenant has Jesus at its center. The plan is for us to become united with the Savior so that His accomplishments can become our own. When this happens a new version of us will begin to grow out of our old dead nature. This miracle of this transformation will make us fit to live with God in His perfect world. The plan of God can frighten people at first but our King is kind and He will remove all fears. 

Learning about the New Covenant seems overwhelming when looked at from a human point of view. A person can certainly feel inadequate when attempting to write about it. There has never been more revelation of this subject than today. Fortunately for us, God’s great plan is about “faith” from start to finish. Therefore by faith, I begin my adventure into the discovery of the mysteries contained in God’s new covenant. 

Jesus taught us that this great treasure can be found. Redemption is truly the greatest hidden treasure in the universe. The beauty of this treasure will continue to be revealed for many years. Finding all the treasure is a life-long challenge of following directions. Of Course the Lord will help us solve our most difficult problems. An earthly treasure is soon gone but this heavenly treasure will last forever.
Diamonds are hidden in the earth and the Bible says that people have all been made from earth. It may be a poor analogy but the righteousness of God can cause people to shine like a cut diamond. God has given us the New Covenant and it has the power to shape us into a new righteous creature. We must be “shined-up” to live in the Kingdom of Heaven. Beginning as a diamond in the rough we learn about God’s new covenant. 

The value of a rough diamond cannot be seen until it facets are cut and polished. Afterward the purity and transparency of this crystallized stone can be admired. This flawless gem now has the ability to make the owner more glorious. God is investing His new covenant promises into humble humans. Those of us who accept His new plan for the Kingdom are certainly diamonds in the rough. We receive our value thru the new covenant. 

People’s natural failures have the ugliness of a rough diamond. We should fight against our old nature and seek to shine with the Pure Light. A new nature can be cut and shined by the exciting new covenant that God has provided. Our righteousness is contained in the new covenant. This is how we live righteously. The secret is Christ in us. This plan of God can change us into a cut diamond with great value.