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Friday, December 21, 2012

There is No Final Test

Twice a year students face the dreaded final test. It is stressful because the test covers all the material covered by the daily testing for months. Some Christians behave as if we will have one final test at the end of our life so they ignore the daily testing. They are making a terrible mistake because there is no final test. Jesus has already taken and passed the final for us. It is very important that we accept our daily testing seriously because God is recording how we do on each and every one of them. The Scripture says; you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. 1 Peter 1:6-7 (NLT) Our testing is cumulative. The results will be added together to give the Lord a good picture of our life for Him. Our continual testing is the method the Lord uses to move us toward the maturity that is required to please God. We should consider how well we are maturing in our spiritual life because daily testing is so important to our Lord.

There are different types of testing and it may be helpful to recognize their different origins. The first one may be odd but it seems that we test ourselves! Take a look at this verse; And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. James 1:13-14 (NLT) Most of us know that God requires us to give up our old life in order to focus on our new life. But at times we will go some place or hang-out with someone that we know will lead us into a test. At times like these we are acting in a way that makes us directly responsible for our own testing. Not only is this activity a waste of time but it is counterproductive to our desire for pleasing God. If a believer is not proactive (down to serious business) in their spiritual life they are setting themselves up for self-testing. We need to spend our time and energy serving others as the Lord leads us.

Of course, the testing we usually talk about is from the Devil. Many people like to say that “ the Devil made me do it” which is not always true. The Devil only watches us as we enter into our own temptations in most cases. The clearest case of temptation from the Devil was during the 40 days that Jesus was in the desert. It seems that Satan likes to attack at our weakest time. However, the Devil comes at certain times that God has allowed for him. When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunity came. Luke 4:13 (NLT) When the Devil is testing us it is always about destroying our life and sending us to Hell. He will offer fame to people that will ignore God. He will offer power to people that will act like a God. Here is a popular one; He will offer riches to people who will forget about God. Everything Satan offers is on a path of rebellion against the Almighty. This differs from self-temptation where we usually are looking for a good time to brighten a boring un-saved lifestyle. Serving Jesus is the most exciting life-style, even if there are trials.

James told us in chapter one that God never tempts anyone to do wrong but He will give us a trial to prove our faith. It is a trial of righteousness with the purpose of growing closer to God. An example is Abraham and the offering of his son. James refers to him in chapter two; Don’t you remember that our ancestor Abraham was shown to be right with God by his actions when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see, his faith and his actions worked together. James 2:21-22 (NLT) The physical trial God gave to Abraham had great spiritual benefits for him and even for us today. Testing is the way we build our faith and it is a day-by-day life that counts. There really is no final test. God has sent his Spirit to live with us. This enables us to have victory in our trials as they arise. When talking about Lot, Peter said; the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment. 2 Peter 2:9 (NLT) Knowing that God wants to help us find victory in our testing should give us strength to face each day.

We may not always understand the source of our testing but God will always help us with any of them. Paul tells us; God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. 1 Cor 10:13 (NLT) This promise is almost as important as the promise of our Savior because testing is what can lead people away from God. Jesus said; they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptation. Luke 8:13 (NLT) This is not about who these believers are. The point of this paper is only that we should recognize that testing is an important part of life. James begins his book like this; Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete James 1:2-4 (NLT) Sometimes it seems impossible but we need to keep a good attitude about our trials in order to please the Lord.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Absolute Necessity

Humility is a very tricky subject. A few people have pursued it only to find they would be proud of themselves if they achieved it. However, Jesus said; those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Matt 23:12 (NLT) This means that humility is something that our Master has recommended in order that we may achieve a good standing in His eternal Kingdom. Because we cannot achieve this virtue by ourselves it must be a gift from God. James gives us the idea that it comes from above; But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. James 3:17 (NLT) If we substitute the word humility in the place of wisdom we begin to get the picture. This grace will only produce gratitude when it becomes rooted in our life because it is a gift. Humility is a part of Love which makes it an absolute necessity for proper Christian living. Proper acceptance and application of God’s spiritual gifts is what the Christian life is about.

The gift of humility can be understood when we look at some of the activities it promotes in our life. One passage that will help break it down was written by Paul; Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us. Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Col 3:11-12 (NLT) The four   qualities surrounding humility in this verse are all parts of a humble life. It is noteworthy that these virtues are only possible when Jesus lives in us and we are producing the fruit of the Spirit. We must remember that humility is the correct attitude for a real believer’s life. Humility is not an outward behavior or a relation with others and it is certainly not a natural disposition. Basically it is our attitude about the agreement we have made with God. We could also say that it is His grace operating in our soul. Our best example is the life that Jesus lived many years ago. His caring Spirit was continually reaching out to others while He maintained his attitude of humility. This is easy to see in the story where He washed the feet of His friends.

A Bible dictionary says that humble mindedness stems from a deep realization of a person’s unworthiness to receive the grace that God is offering. We might note that this opinion of one’s self is correct. The real difficulty is when we compare ourselves with others. This is what Paul had to say; Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Phil 2:3-5 (NLT) By worldly standards we may be better than someone else but they may be far greater when we live in eternity. To start with they may have a far more humble attitude toward us. This is why James said that we should “yield to others”. This is part of the way that we can find ourselves exalted by Jesus some day. It seems that people respond to the message of Jesus when the messengers have a humble attitude. Many Christians have failed in their outreach because people detect a superior attitude in our mindset.

Many times other believers become a problem for us to deal with. Because the love of God has become part of our life we must learn to respond in our attitude of humility. Paul begs us to live up to the standards lived by our Savior. Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Eph 4:1-2 (NLT) Here we see that gentleness is part of our humility. Gentleness is the way that Jesus came to earth and lived His life. If we are gentle with people they can see the Grace of God at work on this earth. This virtue is very close to meekness which the world calls weakness. As usual, they are dead wrong about Spiritual matters. To be gentle and meek require the maximum amount of strength and courage a human can muster. Jesus and his martyrs show us these qualities when they give up their lives for Christianity and for their God.

The grace of God is the basis for humility and all its parts. Kindness on our part is the main reason we tell others how to repent and follow the master into heaven. The divine mercy that reached out to us in kindness is available to everyone we might tell. Our humble attitude is the best way to show kindness to people when we are telling them about the love of God. Of course when we work with others a great deal of patience is necessary. This means that we must cut people some slack even when we want to give them a slap upside the head. Trying to push people into a commitment when they are reluctant usually has a bad outcome. Learning to be patient is a good step forward to reaching the humble attitude that our Lord wants for our life. People will many times mistake humility for something else. Look at this letter; Now I, Paul, appeal to you with the gentleness and kindness of Christ—though I realize you think I am timid in person and bold only when I write from far away. 2 Cor 10:1 (NLT) These people were wrong to think Paul was timid. He was humble but not afraid of anyone.

Our humility can only thrive if we keep our heart pure. A pure heart allows the Spirit to lead our lives and this is the way to receive God’s approval. It’s interesting that humility is not listed with the nine fruit of the Spirit which are; the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Gal 5:22-23 (NLT) Once again we see that humility is not an outward behavior or a relation with others. It is the condition of our soul and mind that yields to the Spirit led life in us. Just as our natural soul leans toward self-importance, the new spiritual soul that the savior gives us leans toward a humble life. Of course it is our duty to seek the ways of our new life. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Gal 5:24-25 (NLT) Putting to death the old life is important so that we may dedicate ourselves to our new life. Humility is a necessity for a successful new life in the Lord.